Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Budget and Waistline Friendly Freezable Breakfast Sandwiches

 I feel like I'm always short on time in the morning by about 10 minutes. I rarely have time to cook breakfast so have recently been resorting to pre-packaged, microwavable breakfast sandwiches. These sandwiches have kept me full and focused during my busy work day and have pretty great macros now that I'm calorie counting again, but I can't help but think I can make a similar sandwich with better macros and perhaps for a cheaper price.
 Here are the sandwiches I speak of. They are usually about $5.29 all the way up to $5.99 for a box of 4 depending on if you have a coupon or not. That breaks down to $1.32 per sandwich at the cheapest or $1.49 at their highest. I calculated the cost of all the ingredients I used to make my sandwiches and mine are $1.49 each with no coupons used. So these sandwiches are similarly priced, so how bout those macros?
 Above are the nutrition labels for the Special K and the Jimmy Dean sandwiches. The biggest items I wanted to improve upon were protein, fat, and sodium levels. Below is the macronutrient breakdown for my homemade sandwiches:
My made from scratch sandwich is similar calorie-wise but packs in an additional whopping 10g of protein per sandwich! My sandwich also decreased the fat content by a smidgen as well as sugar. The carbs for my sandwich are reasonable. Unfortunately the sodium level is still quite high. I suppose that comes with the territory of a breakfast sandwich!

Here's how I made mine!

-6 large eggs
-1 and 1/2 C eggwhite
-8 strips Turkey bacon
-8 english muffins
-8 slices of low fat cheese of your choice (I used low fat swiss!)
-seasonings to taste (I used a dash of garlic powder, onion powder, and pepper)

-Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Farenheit.
-Microwave or pan fry your bacon according to the package instructions
-slice/tear bacon up into bite size pieces
-in a large bowl, whisk together eggs, egg whites, seasoning, and bacon
-pour your mixture in a heavily greased or pammed baking dish and bake for ~20 minutes. The edges of the egg should start to brown and lift away from the edges. A knife or fork piercing the center should come out clean.
-toast your english muffins
-when egg mixture has cooled to just above room temp, slice it into the amount of pieces you'd like to use per sandwich (I initially divided my eggs up into 8 pieces like in the photo below but immediately realized that was going to be way too big. I ended up cutting each section in half again).
-Assemble your creations! I ended up putting down a square of egg, a 1/2 slice of cheese and repeat to make a little egg and cheese tower. It looks more voluminous and more filling!
-let your sandwiches cool to room temperature before wrapping them in foil or sealing them in ziploc bags to put in the freezer. Make sure to date them. They should keep for about a month in the freezer. 
To reheat:
wrap your frozen sandwich in a paper towel and heat at 30% for 90 seconds. Flip the sandwich over and heat again at 100% power for 1 minute.

These sandwiches are very delicious and hit the spot during a busy morning!

Try them yourself and let me know how they taste!


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