Sunday, September 8, 2013

Review: NYX Lipliners in 'Rose' and 'Sandy Pink'

As I'm getting more and more into wearing different hued lipsticks, I realize that my tried and true 'Dervish' lipliner from MAC isn't cutting it for every lip color! I thought I'd try out some affordable lip liners in my pursuit for a pretty pink pucker:
After doing some research I discovered that NYX's lipliners have excellent reviews, particularly the color 'Rose.' For $2 a piece, I had to give these a try! 
'Rose' (left) is a medium toned beige pink that I thought would look nice under my lighter pinky beige lipsticks to bring some color to a nude pout. 'Sandy Pink' is a brighter medium toned blue pink I thought would look great paired with my new lipstick fave, NYX 'Blush.' The packaging is shiny black casing with white writing. Because of all the writing, these don't necessarily look as sleek as MAC lipliners, but their appearance doesn't effect their quality!
Swatchy swatch! These lipliners are super smooth which I love. I don't like having to warm up a liner on my hand to make it glide smoother. The color is also the perfect amount of pigmented, leaving a nice line of color on the lip. 
Here are pictures of the lip liner alone and then paired with lipsticks I think make good matches:

Overall I think these lip liners are fantastic! They rival MAC lipliners in wear time, ease of application, and pigmentation but for a fraction of the cost. I'm definitely going to pick up some darker colors for the fall!
You can purchase NYX cosmetics on their website or at Ulta. Look out for BOGO deals!


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