Saturday, June 30, 2012

Movie Time!

I've gone to the movie theater quite a bit in the last couple weeks so I thought I'd share my thoughts about some new films!  First up:
Prometheus.  This movie was the prequel to the Ridley Scott 'Alien' series, in my opinion one of the best horror film franchises of all time.  The films touch upon the fear of Aliens/Monsters while remaining mysterious and giving the constant fear of claustrophobia.  I am not sure if Prometheus really captured the essence of the series... it almost felt like watching two separate films,  a sci-fi film with some 'oh look at this thing eluding to Alien!' mixed in.  There were certainly some scary moments in the film but there were a ton of unanswered questions by the end.  I'm hoping that there will be a sequel to this prequel because one thing the movie succeeded with is leaving me wondering!
Next up, a story we're all familiar with:
Snow White and the Huntsman. I overall enjoyed this film. It was visually stunning and I enjoyed this different take on such an old and well known story.  Charlize Theron was amazing as usual, Chris Hemsworth was a total heart throb (new celeb crush fo sho!) and Kristen Stewart was....bearable.  I am NOT a Kristen Stewart fan at all and I found her to be okay in this movie.  She didn't get in the way of enjoying the movie for me, except for the very end.  Those who have seen the movie already can probably agree that her performance was slightly awkward during the last like, 5 minutes of the movie.  Other than that, I recommend catching this fantasy tale!
Next up is a movie I have been waiting for:
BRAVE!!! I've been waiting for this film since the first teaser trailer simply because Disney/Pixar can do no wrong! I love all of those films and this was no exception.  This film has been criticized because people are saying it doesn't really live up to the expectations set by Pixar greats 'Up' and 'Finding Nemo.'  I just think this movie was a little different, that's all!  The animation was beautiful to watch and the film had some nice take away messages.  It was very heart warming in the end :) I recommend this film to everyone. All ages would appreciate this short tale about changing your fate.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand last but not least, these are some random movies I've caught, not in theaters.
Honorable mentions:

 I know its quite the variety! But as they say, variety is the spice of life!
Sometimes you need to catch up on your girly chick flicks and sometimes you're craving watching a 'B' straight to DVD horror movie. Why not?

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