Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Julep Maven: NOTD And Why I Won't Be Subscribing

Alrighty folks.  Here is the continuation of my last Julep Maven post when I tried the white color from my Julep intro box.  I tried the raspberry color in 'Rose' this week and so here are my thoughts. First of all, let us start with a picture:
Okay. So some of you may be thinking wait a minute SJ....those nails look pretty nice to me. Well, here is why I'm disappointed in this color. This color was described as being a raspberry color. The color that showed up on my nails--bright red.  I have red nail polishes and I wanted a bright pink-red raspberry color (which is what was promised on my little card description thingy!) and that is not what this gave me. 
 Also the application was....meh. Similar to the white polish, this stuff is THICK. Seeing as I paint my nails at least twice a week, I am pretty good at painting and using techniques to ensure a pretty mani with a smooth finish. This was extremely difficult to work with and I didn't like how much trouble I had to go through to get a color that I didn't even really want.
Here it is in a different you can see, its still bright red.
All in all, this polish is okay. It leaves you with a nice finish and it is pretty chip resistant.  I'm not going to throw these polishes away but I also know I won't be reaching for them often because they are so difficult to work with.  
These polishes retail for $14 and are coming to Sephora so I wanted to throw my thoughts out to you all: That is a very high price for nail polish and these bottles only carry about half of the product that is in an OPI bottle.  True that this a '3 Free' nail lacquer so is free of toxins and icky stuff, however for the same price you could buy a Butter London polish which is also 3 Free, has more product in it, AND is super easy to apply.
My final say about Julep polishes: They're okay, but there are WAY better polishes out there for the price. I do not recommend these.

What's your favorite non drugstore nail polish brand?



  1. Thanks for the review, reading this just made me save my money on purchasing them! My favorite polish brand would have to be OPI, but I love Butter London as well! Oh, and I love your blog, I followed! I would love it if you could check mine out at and maybe follow back? Great post!

    1. oh yay! I'm glad I saved at least one person from this brand...Butter London polishes are a WAY better value for the price! And I'll check out your blog right away :)
