Monday, April 6, 2015

Steph Reads: Bossy Pants by Tina Fey

   Tina Fey is one kick-ass lady, but I never realized exactly how kick-ass she was until I read her book, Bossypants.  This autobiographical novel tells the story of how Tina Fey came to be the woman she is today: a powerhouse writer, producer, comedian, actress, award winner, wife, and mother. And she's so damn humble about it too!
   What I liked about this novel was that Tina Fey took the time to pull out excerpts of her life which she found meaningful and telling of herself. Whether or not they were all the most hilarious of stories (which, lets get real, all of the stories had an element of humor to them due to Fey's incredible storytelling!), the short selections gave us some insight into her life and backstory. I also appreciated that all the stories are told chronologically, beginning with childhood all the way through SNL, 30 Rock, and pirate birthday parties for her toddler. I prefer this style of autobiography so we can follow a timeline nicely rather than random stories being thrown about in no order whatsoever.
    I do feel that some of the humor was a bit lost on me at times, and **gasp** I've never seen 30 Rock meaning that I feel I didn't appreciate those parts of her story quite as much as a die hard fan might. However, overall I found this book to be quite refreshing. Tina Fey never really tries hard to impress us as readers and instead simply tells it like it is. She is so humble about all her accomplishments and has such a downplayed 'who, me?' attitude that makes me somehow see her as relatable.  I think this book was overall a good read and I recommend it to everyone out there looking for some humor in their lives.  We can all take away this little message from her book:

"Do your thing and don't care if they like it."

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