Saturday, April 5, 2014

Fabletics Subscription Review!

I kinda love subscription services...whether it be online or things sent directly to my house, I love getting little monthly gifts :) I prefer online services because you get to actually browse what the subscription has to offer and choose what you want to spend your credit on rather than risk getting sent something you may not like. AND, usually sites make it really easy to skip a month so you don't get charged if you don't want to buy anything that month. I'll explain more below, but this month I wanted to check out Fabletics, an athletic clothes subscription site designed by Kate Hudson.  The whole idea of the site is that these are well designed and cute athletic outfits for women for a discounted price for members. I got suckered in because I had a 50% off first purchase link! The outfit I chose was the Arch outfit and it came with a big flowy tank top called 'Aventura' (in assorted colors, but I chose gray), a bright sports bra called 'Samana' (I chose blue but they also had pink, black, and yellow), and the 'Lima' capri style yoga leggings (I chose black for versatility but they had a ton of cute colors with this as well!). Shipping was free and my package arrived in only 5 days:
The tank top is really thin fabric with deep arm holes so you can see the bra poking through. It's pretty cute and I like that its light for working out. The sports bra is super breathable and comfortable with adjustable straps. It is a minimum/medium support bra so not the greatest for running, but fine for other low impact activities. The pants are what I'm most excited about! These pants are a thick fabric that is reportedly anti-chafing and anti-pilling. They kept me cool despite their thickness while I was running and they are water resistant! I actually went for a run in the rain in these and they somehow stayed dry...its a Fabletics miracle! They are also maximum constriction so they suck you in tight but still remain comfortable. I got this whole outfit for $27 including tax and shipping. I would easily spend that amount of money on just the leggings alone! Seriously, they're phenomenal!
As far as the subscription service is concerned, at the beginning of the month the website releases new outfits to browse. You have from the 1st to the 11th of the month to skip the month otherwise you will be charged with a $49.99 credit to use on the site. Sounds fishy and scary, but I like to set a reminder on my phone to go off on the first so I'm reminded to skip my service. You don't need a credit to still shop around! And skipping is super easy, you just press a 'skip this month' button and you're brought to this page:
And that's all! No pestering, no unnecessary charges... you just gotta remember to skip the month. Overall I love these clothes and want to get some more leggings in other colors. Even though I can't get another outfit for 50% off, the quality of the leggings is so good that I think its worth it to spend about $50 on an outfit to get these leggings. They are the same quality as Nike or LuLuLemon but SOOOO much less expensive! If you're interested in checking out, check out this link:

Just browse around and see if anything catches your eye! In the least, it's fun to look :)


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